Becoming a REALTOR® member certainly has its perks. From professional development to networking to access to the largest multiple listing service, our members have it all. Check out our benefits and apply to become one today!
Currently, only REALTOR® members have access to Realtracs, the largest multiple listing service in Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. Use the MLS to expand your listing visibility and marketability to thousands of real estate professionals, access current and reliable information on available properties for your clients, plus access regular insight into current local and regional market dynamics.
Sumner REALTORS® offers a wide variety of FREE Continuing Education to help members meet licensure requirements and sharpen their professional skills. Let us be the first place you turn to for educational needs, from REALTOR® certifications and designations to timely and relevant topics taught by licensed instructors. Most classes are offered in person at the Association office at no cost or discounted rate as membership benefit.
Members have exclusive access to SentriLock equipment and services plus discounted pricing on commonly used riders and signs available at the Sumner REALTORS® office during regular business hours. We also maintain a list of Preferred Partner affiliate members eager to work with REALTORS®.
Our government affairs and political action committee apparatus makes sure that local REALTORS® have a voice and influence when it come to laws, rules and regulations that affect you and your business. We are your watchdog and your amplifier with city and county governments, holding elected officials accountable on issues like property rights. We work closely with Tennessee REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS® to support good public policies on a state and federal level, and we support candidates who support the real estate profession through RPAC (The REALTOR® Political Action Committee).
We encourage members use the Association to build meaningful relationships with their peers throughout Sumner County and the greater Nashville area. There are multiple opportunities throughout the year to expand your professional network through classes, events, meetings and social gatherings.
Sumner REALTORS® provides a unique outlet for REALTORS® to participate in volunteer service projects that make our communities stronger and more vibrant. Members give their time and resources to worthwhile charitable causes and demonstrate how REALTORS® work together to give back and improve lives.
As an affiliate of Tennessee REALTORS® and National Association of REALTORS®, Sumner REALTORS® is committed to upholding the REALTOR® Code of Ethics first adopted in 1913. We hold ourselves accountable to this high standard and offer dispute resolution services to help members work through transaction disputes with their peers in a fair, fast and cost-effective manner. Learn more about the Code of Ethics.
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